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ETO Mission Statement

ETO is the official European umbrella association for the specialty eqipment and tuning industry. The association represents an important industry – employing thousands of Europeans and generating
billions in tax Euros throughout the continent. In a recent development, the ETO has been officially
recognized as a European organization following its status for the past several years as an
active working group.

ETO GA in London

On the 18th of April the ETO General Assembly took place in London at the Heathrow airport Marriott hotel. After financial and regulatory overviews, the GA continued with the election of board member and executive positions.

KATMO joins ETO as new international member

In a ceremony, the Chairman of the South Korean Tuning Association KATMO and Harald Schmidtke in his capacity as ETO Vice President sealed the future cooperation and membership of the Koreans in the ETO.

ETO member VDAT applied for an infringement violation investigation against Belgium

The specialty products industry is still facing a lot of restrictions in many European countries due to national restrictive or burdensome requirements. Mutual recognition and free movement of goods within the EU is still in practise not fully working.

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