The ETO is pleased that the European Commission and Parliament are keeping the Single Market for goods high on the political agenda and welcomes the new proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the mutual recognition of goods lawfully marketed in another Member State . Although we see many improvements in the new proposal - like for example enhancing the role of national product contact points and introducing a faster problem-solving procedure involving the SOLVIT network, as well as a new voluntary 'mutual recognition declaration' to be filled by economic operators to prove lawful marketing in a Member State, we feel that one of the main obstacles in respect of free inner community trade and mutual recognition - the restriction of use -, still remains. Accordingly, we consider it imperative to include and clarify the right of use in the recast Single Market Regulation text and /or in the guidance on how to apply the principle of mutual recognition. In cooperation with our member association we are working intensively on making legislators aware of the burden to our industry.